Running Ground-pine in Michigan

Lycopodium clavatum - Running Ground Pine

Lycopodium clavatum – Running Ground Pine

Michigan has two species in the genus Lycopodium: L. clavatum and L. lagopus. They are both called Running Ground-pine.  L. clavatum is also called: Common Clubmoss, Stag’s-horn Clubmoss, Wolf’s-foot Clubmoss, and simply Ground Pine. L. lagopus is called: One-cone Clubmoss, Ptarmigan Clubmoss, and Arctic Stag’s-horn Clubmoss. Additional common names are also in print. I tend to call them Clavatum or Lagopus and leave it at that.

Lycopodium lagopus - Running Ground Pine

Lycopodium lagopus – Running Ground Pine

The remaining Michigan Clubmoss species that once were in Lycopodium are now found in five other genera. If you desire more information on these Clubmosses then consult Dan Palmer’s new book Michigan Ferns and Lycophytes: A Guide to Species of the Great Lakes Region.

The two species of Running Ground-pine are easily distinguished when seen in the field, but sometimes herbarium specimens are difficult to determine. Clubmosses have sun forms and shade forms. Sun forms are normally more compact than shade forms. In the field you know if you have a sun or shade form but it often is not obvious with a pressed specimen.

Lycopodium clavatum Lycopodium lagopus

L – Lycopodium clavatum                            R – Lycopodium lagopus

Clavatum  has multiple strobili (cones)  that are semi-alternate on the pedicel. A rare pedicel will have one strobilus, so check a large part of a colony to determine the number. Its leaves are awn tipped meaning they taper to a hair-like tip. They are ascending, at least in the shade form. Leaves on shade form Clavatum are slightly longer and spread more than the appressed leaves on Lagopus. Lagopus has leaves 3 to 5mm long and Clavatum has leaves 4 to 6mm long. Sun forms of Clavatum have leaves that resemble shade form Lagopus.  Clavatum is seen more in Michigan than Lagopus.

 Lycopodium clavatum sun form top- L. lagopus shade form bot

Lycopodium clavatum sun form top L. lagopus shade form bottom

 Lycopodium clavatum shade form top Sun form bottom

Lycopodium clavatum shade form top                                          Sun form bottom

Lagopus normally has a single strobilus. A rare pedicel will have two strobili but they will be sessile (stalkless). This might result from damage to a developing strobilus. Its leaves are also awn tipped but tend to be more appressed than Clavatum. Lagopus branches are more upright than Clavatum.

It would be nice to have a few more characteristics to use to separate these two species. An amateur botanist should find and study a colony looking for other differences. Once we understand more about each species’ variations then we might find other consistent ways to tell them apart.

Copyright 2018 by Donald Drife

Webpage Michigan Nature Guy
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Botrychium matricariifolium

Moonwort habitat – L                                                             Daisy-leaved Moonwort – R

Moonworts or Grape Ferns are small ferns. Most are less than 10cm [4 inches] tall. Herb Wagner called them “belly plants.” They have a vegetative blade, called a trophophore, and a separate fertile segment, called a sporophore. Sporophores resemble tiny clusters of grapes hence the common name. Characteristics of the vegetative blade help to distinguish the species. As you learn the plants other subtle features become apparent such as the color of the plant, timing of spore dispersal, and branching of the fertile segment. The Michigan Flora website has a workable key and range maps. Another great resource is Dr. Farrar’s work found on the Ada Hayden Herbarium website. This site includes species treatments of all of our Moonworts.

Moonworts grow along stable sand dunes or in fields that have had mild disturbances. I find them growing under Wild Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) or Apple (Malus spp.) trees with Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron spp), Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella), Hawkweed (Hieracium spp.), or Wild Strawberry (Fragaria spp.). These habitats are not where most botanists look for native ferns. They also grow along stream banks and along deer paths and old dirt roads through woods. The plants cannot withstand competition from other vegetation and require some type of minor disturbance in order to survive.


Daisy-leaved Moonwort             (Botrychium matricariifolium)

When I began studying this genus there were five species known from Michigan. Now there are eleven species and perhaps one more still unnamed.

Botrychium simplex

Least Moonwort   (B. simplex)

I recently visited a colony that once had seven different species but now could only find Daisy-leaved Moonwort (Botrychium matricariifolium) and Least Moonwort (B. simplex). Dense grass moved into this old orchard choking out Moonworts. At one time there were 15,000 individuals in this colony. Now there are no more than 500 plants. The National Guard used this field for helicopter gunship firing which tore up the sod slightly, allowing the plants to flourish. After we discovered two threatened Moonworts species, Michigan Moonwort (B. michiganense), and Prairie Moonwort (B. campestre), the Guard discontinued firing to “protect” the area. Currently the sod is too dense and Moonworts are dying out.

Botrychium minganense

Mingan Moonwort                       (B. minganense)

In the 1990s we discovered a colony of 20,000-30,000 Moonworts along ten miles of forest service road in the Upper Peninsula. We visited the area in 2003 and noticed that the road shoulders were growing up. Last weekend we found about fifty plants of four species, Daisy-leaved Moonwort,  Moonwort (B. neolunaria), Mingan Moonwort (B. minganense), and Spatulate Moonwort (B. spathulatum) along the road. Plants occurred mostly on sandbanks kept a little raw by erosion. Lumbering is not happening in the area so road grading is not disturbing the road shoulders and keeping them open.

Botrychium neolunaria

Moonwort               (B. neolunaria)

Moonworts are more difficult to find now than they were 25-years ago. Tony Reznicek stated that Michigan’s open areas are growing up. I believe he is correct.

For such an inconspicuous plant a great deal of lore surrounds it. If you place a Moonwort into a box and leave it overnight it will produce silver. Herb and I tried it and it did not work. Herb said it would have been easier than getting National Science Foundation grants.  Moonwort opens any lock that its spores are placed into. If a horse walks over a plant it will throw a shoe. It is also an ingredient in several love potions.

June and July are the best months for hunting Moonworts. Most species disperse their spores and  wither away before August. Get out and look for plants. They might be difficult to identify to species but they are still fun to find.


Copyright 2017 by Donald Drife

Webpage Michigan Nature Guy
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That’s not a Duckweed

Ricciocarpos natans

Purple-fringed Riccia

Purple-fringed Riccia (Ricciocarpus natans) is not a flowering plant. It is an aquatic liverwort. It is found worldwide except where there is permanent ice. Floating on a pond it resembles a Duckweed and often grows with them. It differs in its butterfly shape and the fringe of purplish scales on the underside of the plants.

Ricciocarpos natans

Purple-fringed Riccia upper and lower surfaces

Duckweeds are flowering plants, capable of producing seeds. Purple-fringed Riccia reproduces via spores or plant division. Spores are produced inside the thallus. A thallus is a flat plant body not separated into stems and leaves. The plants are buoyant because they have many air chambers. A nice colony is found in Dragonfly Pond, Tenhave Woods, Royal Oak, Michigan. This is an interesting plant which should be sought in ponds throughout Michigan.

Ricciocarpos natans

Purple-fringed Riccia section showing air chambers and developing spores

Copyright 2016 by Donald Drife

Webpage Michigan Nature Guy
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